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Find samples below of electronic presentations I have given:

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This video provides an introduction to the Sophia Program in Liberal Learning at Saint Mary's College.




This PowerPoint presentation to a group of College donors provided an overview of the General Education reform then underway.  To see the slide transitions and animations, please download the original presentation.




This Prezi presentation to Saint Mary's faculty provided an update on progress in implementing the new curriculum.  Press forward arrow on your keyboard to advance the Prezi.

This PowerPoint presentation to a group of students described the basic foundations of Catholic Social Thought and then explained each one of them in more detail.  I've given roughly this same presentation a number of times to different audiences on and off campus.

This PowerPoint presentation to my colleagues on the faculty gave an introduction to my efforts to flip the classroom using Voicethread software in my classes.  Voicethread provides a group audio blog and so enables students to dialogue with each other (using voice comments made and recorded online) prior to class.






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